


這個Consumer Lab測試報告落落長,印出來23頁,針對大家想要知道到底那些牌子的魚油是TG form,我把報告中的牌子有註明TG form列出如下:
Fish Oil 魚油膠囊
CVS/pharmacy Fish Oil
Finest Nutrition Fish Oil
Kirkland Signature Natural Fish Oil
New Chapter Wholemega, form not listed but assumed to be natural triglyceride
Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega
Nutrigold Triglyceride Omega-3
Pure Alaska Omega-3, form not listed, but appears to be triglyceride
Rexall Omega-3
Solgar Omega 3

Calamari Oil魷魚油

Lane Labs EcoOmega, form not listed, but appears to be triglyceride

Vegetarian Source (Algal) Oil素食者可食用的海藻油

Deva Vegan Omega-3 DHA, form not listed, but appears to be triglyceride
Ovega-3, form not listed, but appears to be triglyceride
Source Naturals EPA-DHA, form not listed, but appears to be triglyceride

其他的產品不是ee form要不就是包裝上沒列出




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